QTP Multiple Choice Questions Set 20 - Regular Expressions

1)  Regular expressions enable QuickTest to identify objects and text strings with
undependable values.
A) True
B) False

2) You can use regular expressions only for values of type string and number.
A) True
B) False

3) If you expect the value of a property to change in an unpredictable way during
each run session, you can use regular expressions
A) True
B) False

4) All ........ are automatically treated as regular expressions.
A) programmatic description
B) Window
C) WinObject
D) Collection

5) If a backslash character is used before a character that has no special meaning,
the backslash is ignored.
A) True
B) False

6) You can use regular expressions in the Find what and Replace with strings to
enhance your search.
A) True
B) False

7) Regular Expressions can also be used with XML checkpoints.
A) True
B) False

8) What is the Regular Expression Matching Zero or More Specific Characters
A) x
B) #
C) *
D) &

QTP Multiple Choice Questions Set 19 - QTP Parameterization

1) You can parameterize values ..... in your test.
A) in Steps
B) in Checkpoints
C) of Action Parameters
D) Both A & B
E) All of above

2) You can parameterize values in steps and checkpoints while ...... your test.
A) recording
B) editing
C) Both A & B

3) There are four types of parameters: Test/Action, Random number, Environment
Variable, Regular Expression.
A) True
B) False

4) While using Test and Action Input Parameters,you can enter the parameter name
in the Expert View using the Parameter utility object, in the format: ............ for the
current action.
A) Parameter("ParameterName")
B) ParameterName("Parameter")
C) Parameter("Parameter-Name")
D) Parameter("Parameter_Name")

5) ..... parameters are available only for top-level actions.
A) Action
B) Environment Variable
C) Test
D) None

6) ...... parameters are available for subsequent steps and for nested actions. They
are defined in the action containing the steps or in the action that calls the nested
A) Action
B) Environment Variable
C) Test
D) Parent action

7) When specifying the name for data table parameter, the first character of the
parameter name must be a ......
A) letter
B) underscore
C) number
D) both A & b

8) By outputting values to the global Data Table sheet from one action and using
them as input parameters in another action, you can easily pass values from one
action to another.
A) True
B) False

9) ....... parameters are especially useful for localization testing, when you want to
test an application where the user interface strings change, depending on the
selected language.
A) Action
B) Environment
C) Test
D) Parent action

10) You can also store environment variable files in Quality Center.
A) True
B) False

11) ....... built-in environment variable that tells version of the OS on which you are
B) OS_Ver
D) OSVersion

12) Random number parameters are appropriate for non-numeric
values, such as text or hypertext links.
A) True
B) False

QTP Multiple Choice Questions Set 18 - Function Library

1) Using QuickTest, you can define and store your user-defined functions in a .....
A) function library
B) directly in an action within a test.
C) both A & B
D) None

2) Default file extention of function library is
A) .flf
B) .qtfl
C) .qfl
D) .tfl

3) When you store a function in a test action, it can be called from any other action
or test.
A) True
B) False

4) You cannot define private functions and store them in a function library.
A) True
B) False

5) You can drag and drop a function (or part of it) from one document to another.
A) True
B) False

6) You can add steps to your function library manually or using the Step Generator.
A) Manually
B) using Step Generator
C) Both A & B
D) None

7) In function libraries, IntelliSense does not enable you to view test object names
or collections because function libraries are not connected to object
A) True
B) False

8) Function Libraries can be edited during the debug session.
A) True
B) False

9) To close all open function libraries:
A) Choose File > Close All Function Libraries,
B) Window > Close All Function Libraries.
C) Widow > Close All
D) Both A & B

10) Any text file written in standard VBScript syntax can be used as a function library.
A) True
B) False

11) If you create a user-defined function manually and do not define the scope as
Public or Private, it will be treated as a ..... function, by default.
A) Private
B) Public
C) Both A & B
D) None

12 )If you choose not to register your function at this time, you can manually register
it later by adding a RegisterUserFunc statement after your function
A) RegisterUserFunction
B) RegisterUserFunc
C) RegUserFunc
D) Both A & B

QTP Multiple Choice Questions Set 17 - QTP Expert View

1) You can use the Expert View tab to view a text-based version of your test.
A) True
B) False

2) Expert View contains each step as a VBScript line. In object-based steps, the
VBScript line defines the ........ hierarchy.
A) Action
B) Object
C) Test
D) Step

3) If you focus on a specific step in the Keyword View and switch to the Expert
View, the cursor is located in that ..... line of the test.
A) Next
B) Previous
C) Last
D) Corresponding

4) For each object and method in an Expert View statement, a corresponding
row exists in the Keyword View.
A) True
B) False

5) When you switch from the Expert View to the Keyword View, QuickTest
automatically checks for syntax errors in your script, and shows them in the
Information pane.
A) True
B) False

6) In the Expert View, the ....... is always visible and the Expert View always
displays the script for the selected action.
A) Action List
B) Expert List
C) Check List
D) View List

7) You can insert a checkpoint or output value statement in the Expert View
A) True
B) False

8) You can copy a Checkpoint or Output statement from the Expert View to
another test.
A) True
B) False

9) You can also manually enter standard VBScript statements, as well as
statements using QuickTest test objects and methods, in the Expert View.
A) True
B) False

10) You cannot print the test displayed in the Expert View or a function library.
A) True
B) False

11) When you type in the Expert View or a function library, .......... enables you to
select the test object, method, property, or collection for your statement from a
drop-down list and view the relevant syntax.
A) Object Property dialog box
B) Web edit Property dialog box
C) Intellisense
D) dropdown list

QTP Multiple Choice Questions Set 16 - Descriptive Programming

191) Programmatic description can be very useful if you want to perform
an operation on an object that is stored in the object repository.
A) True
B) False

192) There are two types of programmatic descriptions:
A) Static & Dynamic
B) Statement & Dynamic
C) Step & Dynamic
D) Standard & Dynamic

193) You can also use programmatic descriptions to perform the same 
operation on several objects with certain identical properties, or to
perform an operation on an object whose properties match a description
that you  determine dynamically during the run session.
A) True
B) False

194) QuickTest evaluates all property values in programmatic descriptions

as regular expressions
A) True
B) False

195) From the below 4 statements which one is invalid:
A) Browser("Title:=Mercury Tours").Page("Title:=Mercury Tours").WebEdit("Name:=Author",
"Index:=3").Set "Amit Kumar"
B) Browser("Index").Page(Desc1).Link(docu3)
C) Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Title:=Mercury Tours").WebEdit("Name:=Author", "Index:=3").Set
"Amit Kumar"
D) Browser("Title:=Mercury Tours").Page("Title:=Mercury Tours").WebEdit("Author").Set "Amit Kumar"

196) When using programmatic descriptions from a specific point within a
test object hierarchy, you must continue to use programmatic 
descriptions from that point onward within the same statement.
A) True
B) False
197) You can run any application from a specified location using a ..... statement.
A) Start.Application
B) System.UtilRun
C) SystemUtil.Run
D) SystemUtii.RUn

198) When creating a programmatic description for an ActiveX test object

and the relevant run-time object is windowless (has no window handle
associated with it), you must add the ........ property to the description and 
set its value to True.
A) Window Handle
B) WindowLess
C) Winless
D) None
199) You can compare the run-time value of a specified object property
with the expected value of that property using either programmatic 
descriptions or user-defined functions.
A) True
B) False
200) When you specify an application to open using the Record and Run 
Settings dialog box, QuickTest adds a SystemUtil.Run statement to your test.
A) True
B) False

QTP Multiple Choice Questions Set 15 - Data Table

166) You can edit information in the Data Table by typing directly into the
table cells.
A) True
B) False

167) Each row in the table represents the set of values that QuickTest

submits for the ......... arguments during a single iteration of the test or
A) parameterized
B) Non-parameterized
C) distributed
D) None of above

168) For every action called in your test, QuickTest creates a

corresponding ........ in the Data Table so that you can enter Data Table
parameters that are specific to that action only.
A) action sheet
B) Excel sheet
C) Both A & B
D) None

169) When you create a test, it includes ..... action.
A) Single
B) unlimited
C) Three
D) Multiple

170) There are three kinds of actions:
A) non-reuse action, reuse action, external action
B) Call to internal action, Call to reusable action, external action
C) non-reusable action, reusable action, external action
D) Call to non-reusable action, reusable action, external action

171) By default, new actions are
A) Short
B) External
C) reusable
D) non-reusable

172) You can display or hide the Action toolbar in the Keyword View by 
choosing View > Toolbars > Action.
A) View > Toolbars > Action
B) View > Toolbars > Actions
C) View > Toolbar > Action
D) Views > Toolbars > Action

173) The ...... enables you to view either the entire test flow (the calls to
the actions in the test) or you can view the steps for a selected reusable 
or external action.
A) Action Flow
B) Action file
C) Action List
D) Action Repository

174) In the ......., the Action List is always visible and the Expert View 

always displays the script for the selected action.
A) Keyword View
B) Expert View
C) Action Flow
D) Action View

175) ....... Method - Imports a sheet of a specified file to a specified sheet

in the run-time Data Table.
A) SheetImport
B) ImportSheet
C) ImportDataTable
D) ImportTable

176) The column headings in the sheet you import must match the Data

Table parameter names in the action for which the sheet is being imported.
Otherwise, your test or component may fail.
A) True
B) False

177) The sheet you import automatically takes the name of the sheet it replaces.
A) True
B) False

178) The use of complex and/or nested formulas in the Data Table is supported.
A) True
B) False

179) The data your test uses is stored in the ....... Data Table, which is
displayed in the Data Table pane at the bottom of the screen while you 
insert and edit steps.
A) design-time
B) Run-time
C) Current
D) None

180) During the run session, QuickTest creates a ....... Data Table—a live version
of the Data Table associated with your test.

A) True
B) False

181) If it is important for you to save the resulting data from the run-time

Data Table, you can insert a ..........statement to the end of your test to export
the run-time Data Table to a file.
A) Export.Datatable
B) DataTable_Export
C) DataTable.Export
D) Both A & B

182) When you parameterize a step in a test using the Data Table, you
must decide whether you want to make it a global Data Table parameter
or an action Data Table parameter.
A) True
B) False

183) After running a parameterized test, you can view the actual values

taken from the Data Table in the Test Results Run-Time Data Table.
A) True
B) False

184) ...... Property - Returns the design-time Data Table, which enables

you to modify the data that is used for the Data Table parameters in your
test or business component.
A) DataTable
B) DesignTable
C) Design_Table
D) None

185) The Data Table assists you in parameterizing your test.
A) True
B) False

QTP Multiple Choice Questions Set 14 - Checkpoints

154) The ........ checks a variety of objects such as buttons, radio buttons,
combo boxes, lists, and so forth.
A) Image checkpoint
B) standard checkpoint
C) Bitmap checkpoint
D) Accessibility checkpoint

155) You create an image checkpoint by inserting a ........ on an image object.
A) Image checkpoint
B) standard checkpoint
C) Bitmap checkpoint
D) Accessibility checkpoint

156) ......... are also supported for some list view objects, such as 
WinListView and VbListView, as well as other list view objects in
external add-in environments.
A) Table checkpoints
B) standard checkpoints
C) Accessibility checkpoints
D) XML checkpoints

157).......identifies areas of your Web site that may not conform to the 
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
A) Accessibility Checkpoint
B) standard checkpoints
C) Database checkpoints
D) Accessible Checkpoint

158)........ Specifies the time interval (in seconds) during which QuickTest
attempts to perform the checkpoint successfully.
A) Check timeout
B) Checkpoint interval timeout
C) Checkpoint timeout
D) Quicktest timeout

159) ........... Specifies when to perform the checkpoint in the test.
A) Insert statement.
B) Check statement.
C) timeout statement.
D) checkpoint statement.

160) You can view the results of the checkpoint in the ........
A) Test Results window
B) Checkpoint window
C) Information Pane
D) Checklist window

161) By default, the bottom right part of the Test Results window displays
information on the selected checkpoint only if it has the status Failed.
A) True
B) False

162) You can also use the ......... to check specific property values.
A) CheckProperty method
B) CheckItemProperty method
C) ItemProperty method
D) Property method

163) If you want to retrieve the return value of a checkpoint (a boolean
value that indicates whether the checkpoint passed or failed), you must
add ......... the checkpoint argument in the statement in the Expert View.
A) parentheses around
B) Properties with
C) Arguments with
D) Values alongwith

164) You can use a formula in a checkpoint to confirm that an object
created on-the-fly (dynamically generated) or another variable object
in your Web page or application contains the value it should for a given 
A) True
B) False

165) You cannot modify the settings of existing checkpoints.
A) True
B) False