WebDriver provides a variety of methods to simulate user actions on a browser. Some of those methods are described below
19.1.1| get
Loads a new page in the current browser window. This is achieved using HTTP GET operation. This method blocks the WebDriver test execution until the page load is complete.
Syntex get (java.lang.String URL)
parameter URL - URL of the site to navigate to
returns void
Write WebDriver code to open the Chrome browser and navigate to the https://www.testinganswers.com site
19.1.2| getCurrentUrl
Returns the current URL of the browser page
Syntex java.lang.String getCurrentUrl
returns URL of the page currently loaded in the
Write WebDriver code to open the Chrome browser, navigate to the https://www.testinganswers.com site and then verify that the current page is testinganswers.com or not.
19.1.3| getTitle
Returns the title of the current web page
Syntex java.lang.String getTitle
returns the title of the current web page with
leading and trailing whitespace stripped or
null if one is not already set.
Write WebDriver code to open the Chrome browser, navigate to the https://www.testinganswers.com site and then verify that the current page title is correct or not.
Finds all the matched elements on the current page. This method continuously tries to identify the elements till zero or more elements are found or timeout time is reached, whichever happens first.
Syntex java.util.List<WebElement> findElements(By by)
parameter by - the locating mechanism to use
returns the list of all matched elements or an empty
list if no match is found.
Find all-day elements of a calendar.
19.1.5| findElement
Syntex WebElement findElement(By by)
parameter by - the locating mechanism to use
returns the first matched elements else throws
NoSuchElementException if no matched element
Select an element from the calendar year drop-down.
Finds the first matched web element on the current page. This method continuously tries to identify the elements until the element is found or timeout time is reached, whichever happens first. If no matched element is found until timeout time, then it returns an exception. This method implicitly waits to identify the element until the configured timeout is reached.
Syntex WebElement findElement(By by)
parameter by - the locating mechanism to use
returns the first matched elements else throws
NoSuchElementException if no matched element
Select an element from the calendar year drop-down.
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